A classic dilemma. A puzzling puzzle. In the heat of the moment what do you chant? Sporting or Wizards (or even Wiz)? With a team like ours, you have choices, but we are most effective when we pick the same words to the chant. Otherwise it sounds all muddled and then the people chanting lose momentum as they try and figure it out.
Now officially we are no longer the 'Wizards', but Sporting Kansas City, Sporting or Sporting KC. (Apparently SKC is not an official name, although personally I think it would be best for Twitter but that's another story.)
So far the Cauldron regulars have it all pretty well sorted out, but with so many new people in the Member's Stand, you have new people learning it every time. So from listening to the Cauldron all season here is what I have gleaned as the songs and the names you use.
Official Cauldron Chant Sheet for reference (PDF)
Everywhere We Go (Mighty Mighty Wizards)*
We Love Ya*
Vamos KC Wiz (Ohhhhh KC Wiz)*
Go! Sporting Go!^
Sporting Sporting Kansas City (Battle Hymn of the Republic - Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!)* - uses Sporting Kansas City and Wiz
^=suggested chant, not in regular rotation
*=chant in regular rotation
Sporting Waive Joya and Volesky
8 years ago
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