**Updated Jan 2012**
These fan clubs use Twitter to help you learn more about your favorite Sporting KC players. They are all fan run, so they need your love and support to keep going. Check them out, give them a follow, some love and watering and they in turn will help shine a light on the great athletes on our team.
It will be interesting to see how many other fan accounts pop up over the years. Also I wonder what will happen if a player gets traded, loaned, etc. Personally I will always like this crew since they are really the first team I have gotten to know well, so I will continue to be interested in their career paths with or without Sporting KC. Personally I think Matt Besler and CJ Sapong are next in line for a fan club. Happened soon after the original posting of this blog.
(Alphabetical order)
Korede Aiyesgbusi (Twitter - @KoredeAiyesFans hosted by ?)
Teal Bunbury (Twitter - @TealBunburyFans hosted by @darshben)
Matt Besler (Twitter - @BeslerFans hosted by ?)
Aurelien Collin (Twitter - @Collin78Fans hosted by @SklyarRolstad)
Kevin Ellis (Twitter - @KevinEllisFans hosted by ?)
Kei Kamara (Twitter - @KamaraFans hosted by @SklyarRolstad)
Jimmy Nielsen's Head (Twitter - @PumaHead hosted by ?)
Soony Saad (Twitter - @SoonySaadFans hosted by @slmanning7)
CJ Sapong (Twitter - @CJSapongFans hosted by @I_am_McBeth and @KrisColvin)
Graham Zusi (Twitter - @GZusiFans hosted by @presleylewis)
When this post was originally put up in Sep 2011, there were 5 Twitter accounts, since then it has exploded. Anyone know if any other team in the MLS has fans that do this?
Sporting Waive Joya and Volesky
8 years ago
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