With such a growth in fans of Sporting Kansas City it can be hard to just pick out a few passionate supporters who might be considered the 2011 Ad Astra SKC Fan of the Year (FOTY). The 5 nominees come from all over the stadium, online and offline. Any fan of Sporting KC was eligible not just Ad Astra fans in 102, or the South Stand.
A few weeks ago a call went out for nominees and 5 wonderful fans were selected to be the nominees. Below you will find a short write up and pictures/videos. All of these fans were nominated by someone else, no one was self-nominated. After the nominees you will find a ballot. Voting is open until Sunday 11:59pm Nov 13th.
Grand Prize: $50 gift certificate to Sporting Kansas City stadium store, 2 tickets to game of your choice in 2012 in the South Stand
Runner-up: $25 gift certificate to Sporting Kansas City stadium store
Other three nominees: $10 gift certificate to Sporting Kansas City stadium store
*Prizes accumulated from personal donations. If you are a player, Sporting KC rep, local KC business or super fan that wants to donate prizes to this fan-run award, please email christian@adastraskc.org
**Note that this is not an official Sporting Kansas City event. But that doesn't make it any less important. It depends on your participation. It is done only to encourage more passion for SKC. If you don't see someone you think should been on this list, nominate them next year. You have the power.
Matt Killingsworth
- Founded the Wedge supporters group in section 115
- Purchased scores of navy/light blue checkered flags to decorate section 115
- Gives flags (for free sometimes) to enthusiastic supporters
- Has brought someone new to nearly each Sporting KC game home game this year
- Single-handedly painted the banners in the Wedge, and behind the South Stand goal
- Designed numerous logos mocking other MLS teams
- Traveled to the last game of the year in DC bringing banners for the team

Hector Solario
- Leader of La Barra
- Arranges many tailgating activites and more recently a food truck for the Cauldron and La Barra
- Is at every SportingKC game
- Drummer and chant leader (capo) in the Cauldron
- Famous wearer of the Red White and Blue Headdress
- Active on Facebook , with La Barra and other Sporting related accounts.
- And from the person who nominated him:
My vote goes to Hector Solario. He works his butt off every game trying to get fans of all ages, race and gender into the spirit of the game. He’s got more passion for the game of soccer than anyone I’ve ever met.

Tiffany White (and her sons)
- Very active on Twitter (@Tiffanydwhite) and Facebook, helps as an ambassador answering other people’s questions about Sporting
- Her passion for the team extends to her kids who are popular on the jumbotron inspiring other kids to wag their tongue like Jimmy, paint their hair blue
- Always in the South Stand cheering the team on, staying late for autographs for her sons.
Sydney Manning
- One of Sporting KC’s newest fans she never really followed soccer before, but has taken to it with a determined zeal.
- Enthusiastic supporter of Soony Saad, Chance Myers and others at all home games this year with numerous homemade signs.
- Frequently featured on the LIVESTRONG scoreboard for her signs and excitement Twitter evangelist (@slmanning7) for the team and her favorite players
- Founder of @SoonySaadFans
- Winner of the first #SKCchat Twitter Trivia contest: A surprise lunch with Luke Sassano and Soony Saad at Pandolfi’s Deli
Adam Yarnevich (aka Brisket Bob)
- Designed one (out of three) of the Cauldron scarves for 2011
- Designed "Kick-off 2011" (vs Chivas) traveling Cauldron scarf
- Designed "Kick-off 2011" bar coasters for opening night watch party at Johnny's
- Dressed up as Brisket Bob (@Brisket_Bob) against Portland (and will continue to do so)
- Has missed multiple social events (weddings, birthdays, etc.) just to watch a game. Much to the shagrin of his girlfriend...who is now a Sporting KC fan since dating BB
- Travelled to Chicago with the Cauldron for the second match of the 2011 season
- Convinced numerous people this year to get season tickets next year
- Helped organize a fundraiser at the Cauldron tailgate to benefit the "Light the Night Walk."
- Featured on "Better Know a Supporter"

You can vote below, vote on Facebook, and vote on Twitter by tweeting:
I vote for (nominee name here) for @AdAstraSKC Fan of the Year #AdAstraFOTY http://bit.ly/2011FOTY Tweet
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